So I've decided to start a new blog. Why? Just because. Yes, not much of an explanation however going into details will probably bore you. For those that haven't seen my previous humble abode, you can click here! (if you're interested lah~) So to kick start eh blog, I'd like to take a few minutes of your leisure reading time to actually explain the misspelling of the blog title.
So I've decided to start a new blog. Why? Just because. Yes, not much of an explanation however going into details will probably bore you. For those that haven't seen my previous humble abode, you can click here! (if you're interested lah~) So to kick start eh blog, I'd like to take a few minutes of your leisure reading time to actually explain the misspelling of the blog title.
You see... GREEN is the new BLACK. Okayh, well maybe not but I love the colour. Having an extra 'R' there was just to fit it what I think my blog will probably contain.
[Sam talking gibbering from Transformers; see, geniuses think and talk alike~]
G for Gibberish -noun
1. meaningless or unintelligible talk or writing.
HAHA, ok, I don't intend to deliberately write unintelligibly but one can't run from it at times. And I like the word gibberish. lalala~
[this is how i look when i start ranting. have a mental picture of it!]
R for Rants -verb1. to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild or vehement way; rave.
YES. This ladies and gents; is one of my specialty, although it may not seem so to people that don't know me too well. To have an attribute of having a mulut laser also helps with this one.

[technical difficulty, cannot center this pic! LOL. blogging noob sungguh~]
R for Rambles -verb
1. to talk or write in a discursive and aimless way.
Rambling on and on can maybe be classified under one of my least favourite attributes. LOL but I do it anyway. Very unsystematic lah this guy one! hehe. I can go on and on about something I like which sometimes can be annoying. So be warned ladies and gents; be warned!
E for Et -conjunction.
1. and (latin)
And yes, this proves that we learn something new everyday. All this while I thought et was french. Today I am proven wrong by the Dictionary.com. haha. Sheesh, talk about embarrassing; but one learns from past mistakes. That's what makes us human grow. cover la tuh~
1. to talk or write in a discursive and aimless way.
Rambling on and on can maybe be classified under one of my least favourite attributes. LOL but I do it anyway. Very unsystematic lah this guy one! hehe. I can go on and on about something I like which sometimes can be annoying. So be warned ladies and gents; be warned!
E for Et -conjunction.
1. and (latin)
And yes, this proves that we learn something new everyday. All this while I thought et was french. Today I am proven wrong by the Dictionary.com. haha. Sheesh, talk about embarrassing; but one learns from past mistakes. That's what makes us human grow. cover la tuh~
EN for Endless Nonsense -adjective + noun
1. never stopping words or language having little or no sense or meaning.
Well, it may seem as nonsense but hey, it may make sense. How am I to know? I haven't posted much yet have I? hehe
So there you have it folks. An impromptu vocab lesson from yours truly. Haha. So the post turned out longer than I planned and expected; see how unplanned and unsystematic i can be now? Haha. So I'll stop here for now.
Wish me luck in keeping this new lil' humble abode alive yeah?
Later Dudes and Dudettes.
-Cyidie Cyid Out.